Muhurta Its Importance Effect And Other Factors
सर्वे कालस्य वशगाः स्वतन्त्र काल एव हि।
तस्माच्चिन्हैः सदा विद्याद्ययथावत् कालमादितः।।५-२४।। वशिष्ठ संहिता
All are controlled by kaala(time),as only kaala is independent. Therefore one should always accurately know kaala through the signs from the beginning itself.5-25 Shri Vashistha Samhita
काल(Time) is like a fertile land and कर्म(action/deed) is like a बीज (seed). When the seed of karma is sown in the fertile land of kaala it yields result every time, without failing.Kaala and karma have a very sacred and complex relation. Many factors affect the nature of kaala and the nature of karma which ultimately affect the nature of result(परिणाम).We can understand this by looking at the process of farming. A farmer first chooses what he wants to sow, chooses right seeds and other helping ingredients for it, for days prepares his field for sowing the seeds(भूमि शोधन),at the right moment sows the seeds in the field, if everything is in perfect sync the farmer receives good quality crop automatically. In the same manner karma is a chosen seed and Muhurta(मुहूर्त)is purified land(शोधित भूमि)when both are in sync auspicious result follows. Like everything else Vedas have very clear,detailed,profound and systematic knowledge and traditions on Muhurta. In ancient times Sanatanis(सनातनी)used to perform from most important works to daily activities after due consideration of appropriate kaala. Recently a very important religious(धार्मिक) event took place which affects every Bhartiya and its Muhurta became matter of controversy. Like many I am too of the view that Muhurta was not appropriate keeping the significance of it in mind. This whole issue prompted me to write this piece and try to draw attention of readers on the importance of Muhurta. In this article I will try to throw some light on three things काल(time),ज्योतिष(astrology) and मुहूर्त(auspicious time) as all three are interconnected.
Kaala Its Basic Vedic Meaning And Divisions
अहोरात्रव्यवस्थानकारणं भगवान् रविः।
देवयानः परः पन्थाः योगिनां क्लेशसङ्क्षये।।२-८-११।।श्री विष्णुपुराण
Lord Surya is the cause of occurrence of day and night(अहोरात्र).He is famous as देवयान(divine plain/path)for those yogis whose all worldly longings and sufferings have got destroyed by the continuous practice of Yoga.2-8-11 Shri Vishnupurana
The word for time in Sanskrit is काल,it is formed from धातु(Sanskrit root) ‘कल्’ which means to count or to reckon difference between पूर्व(former) पर(latter).The kaala is of two kinds one refers to ब्रह्म(supreme being) one that creates, sustains and destroys whole त्रिगुणमयी सृष्टि(material world) and the other one based on the movement of सूर्य(Sun) who is again form of सगुण ब्रह्म(qualified brahma) as said in श्रीमद्भगवतगीता(Shrimadbhagwadgita).सूर्य(Sun) with the help of other planets gives auspicious and inauspicious results/effects to जीवात्मा(souls) based on the merit of their deeds. From ब्रह्मलोक(abode of Brahma ) to पृथ्वीलोक(earth) all are under the influence of kaala and all have fixed life time too.
काष्ठा निमेषा दश पञ्च चैव
त्रिंशच्च काष्ठा गणयेत्कलां च।
त्रिंशत्कलश्चैव भवेन्मुहूर्तस्तैस्त्रिंशता रात्र्यहनि समेते।।२-८-५९।।
ह्रासवृद्धि त्वहर्भागैर्दिवसानां यथाक्रमम्।
सन्ध्या मुहूर्त मात्रा वै ह्रासवृद्धयोः समा स्मृता।।२-८-६०।।
रेखाप्रभृत्यथादित्ये त्रिमुहूर्तगते रवौ।
प्रातः स्मृतस्ततः कालो भागश्चाह्नः स पञ्चमः।।२-८-६१।।
तस्मात्प्रातस्तनात्कालात्त्रिमुहूर्तस्तु सङ्गवः।
मध्याह्नस्त्रिमुहूर्तस्तु तस्मात्कालात्तु सङ्गवात्।।२-८-६२।।
तस्मान्माध्याह्निकात्कालादपराह्ण इति स्मृतः।
त्रय एव मुहूर्तास्तु कालभागः स्मृतो बुधैः।।२-८-६३।।
अपराह्णे व्यतीते तु कालः सायाह्न एव च।
दशपञ्चमुहूर्ता वै मुहूर्तास्त्रय एव च।।२-८-६४।।
दशपञ्चमुहूर्तं वै अहर्वैषुवतं स्मृतम्।।२-८-६५।।
वर्ध्दते ह्रसते चैवाप्ययने दक्षिणोत्तरे।
अहस्तु ग्रसते रात्रिं रात्रिर्ग्रसति वासरम्।।२-८-६६।।
त्रिंशन्मुहूर्त कथितमहोरात्रं तु यन्मया।
तानिपञ्चदश ब्रह्मन् पक्ष इत्यभिधीयते।।२-८-६९।।
मासः पक्षद्वयेनोक्तो द्वौ मासौ चार्कजावृतुः।
ऋतुत्रयं चाप्ययनं द्वे अयने वर्ष संज्ञिते।।२-८-७०।।
Fifteen निमेष(twinkling of the eyes)make one काष्ठा(kastha) and thirty kashtha make one कला(kala).Thirty kalas make one मुहूर्त(muhurta, time unit of 48 minutes).Thirty muhurta make one अहोरात्र(period of whole day and night).Days and nights are longer or shorter in course of increase and decrease of the दिवसांश(portion of day).Even when the portions of day increase or decrease the period of one muhurta of संध्या(meeting point of portions of day)remains intact. From sunrise duration of three muhurtas is called प्रातः काल(morning time),period of three muhurtas after it is called सङ्गव(post morning time).Period of three muhurtas after sangava is known as मध्याह्न(mid day)After madhyana duration of three muhurtas is called अपराह्न(post mid day) and then comes सायाह्न(evening).One दिवसांश(portion of day) is fifth part of day. In this way whole is comprised of fifteen muhurtas.But the day consists of fifteen muhurtas only at the वैषुवत (equinox),increasing or diminishing in number in उत्तरायण and दक्षिणायन (the northern and southern declinations) of the sun, when the day encroaches on the night, or the night upon the day.
One whole day is of thirty muhurtas such fifteen ahoratras make one पक्ष(fortnight).Two fortnights make one मास(solar month),two solar month make one ऋतु(season),three seasons make one अयन(The equinotial and solstitial points/half year).Two ayana make one वर्ष(solar year).
In a short and precise manner I have tried to give basic knowledge about kaala, vedic units of kaala now I will talk about ज्योतिष(astrology).
त्रिस्कन्धं ज्यौतिषं शास्त्रं चतुर्लक्षमुदाहृतम्।
गणितं जातकं विप्र संहितास्कन्धसंज्ञितम्।।
यस्य विज्ञानमात्रेण धर्मसिद्धिर्भवेन्नृणाम्।।२-५४-१,२।। श्रीनारदपुराण
Jyotisha Shastra whose knowledge gives siddhi(fulfilment) of धर्म(dharma) to humans have three limbs सिद्धांत( mathematical calculations and principles),संहिता(rules or factors of prediction) होरा(prediction of jatakas) which is explained in four lac verses by ऋषि(Vedic Scholars).
The word ज्योतिष comes from the धातु(Sanskrit root )द्युत which means light.
Veda has six limbs and Jyotisha is eyes of the Veda. To walk on the path of Veda one must have eyes enlightened by Jyotish.It is a science which deals with the study of movements of planets,kaala,effects of planets on micro and macro level etc.As told in the श्लोक(verse)quoted above Jyotish have three limbs Siddhanta,Hora,Samhita.In a brief manner I will tell which limb deals with what.
Siddhant deals with परिकर्म(arithmetic computation or operation),अनुयोग(inquiry,examination,question),सूर्यग्रहण(solar eclipse), चंद्रग्रहण(lunar eclipse),उदय(rise of planets),अस्त(setting of planets),ग्रहयुति(planetary combination/conjunction),पात(crossing of planets path),etc.
Hora deals with राशि भेद(zodiac signs),ग्रह योनि(origin of planets),ग्रह दृष्टि(sight of planets),अष्टक वर्ग(eight division of rashi),स्त्रीजातक(women)etc.
Samhita studies गृहचार(movements of planets),वर्ष लक्षण(prediction for the year, its governing planets),तिथि(vedic dates),नक्षत्र(stars),मुहूर्त(auspicious time),गृहगोचर(current planetary positions).
There are seven planets, two shadow planets(Rahu and Ketu),twenty seven nakshatras,twelve rashis. All rashis and nakahatras are governed by different planets. Each rashi is formed by two and quarter nakshatra.All planets,nakshatras,rashis have different गुणप्रकृति(qualities and nature)and गति(speed).सूर्य(Sun)completes cycle of twelve rashis in a year,चन्द्र(moon)in a month,ब्रहस्पति(Jupiter) in twelve years,शनि(saturn)in thirty years,राहु केतु(Rahu and Ketu)in eighteen years,बुध शुक्र(Mercury and Venus)in a year and मंगल(Mars)completes the cycle of rashis in almost twenty months. Movement of planets through different rashis and nakshatras and combination of planets generate wide variety of effect which influences activities both at micro and macro levels,Jyotish enables us to study these and live life accordingly.
अहोरात्रार्द्ध मासास्तु कलाः काष्ठाःक्षणास्तथा।
पौर्णमासी तथा ज्ञेया अमावस्या तथैव च।
सिनीवाली कुहूश्चैव राका चानुमतिस्तथा।।२-८-८०।।
For deciding time for yagna and other activities day,night,fortnight,kala,kashtha etc. should be considered thoroughly. There are two types of पूर्णिमा(full moon night)राका(full moon with 16 kalas) अनुमति(where one kala is less)and two types of अमावस्या(new moon night)सिनीवाली(where moon with one kala is visible) कुहू(where moon is completely invisible).
Muhurta Meaning Effect And Importance
The word मुहूर्त is derived from sanskrit root मुहः
संधि विच्छेद of मुहूर्त is मुहुः + ऋत.Time which is proper, right and bright with auspiciousness. It also means time that comes again and again, which protects or which is good.
It is also a name of a vedic unit of time which is thirtieth part of the whole day and night.
This whole creation is त्रिगुणमयी(three qualities sattvic,rajas and tamas) in nature. In Sanatana Dharma कल्याण(well being/good) of जीवात्मा(soul) is supreme. Every deed should further both material and spiritual good. To achieve this perfection nature of every action and nature of time of action should compliment each other so that auspicious results can be obtained.
Karma done by an individual affects not only him but also people associated with him. In the same manner actions of people sitting at high post like heads of country or state affect all citizens therefore a karma should not only be धर्मानुकूल(in sync with dharma) but also कालानुकूल(in sync with time).In ancient times people used to refer पञ्चाङ्ग(तिथि,वार,नक्षत्र,योग,करण),ज्योतिष,observe स्वर(flow of pranavayu) and शकुन(omens) before doing anything. Kings used to refer horoscope of their country to know good and bad effects of time. In Sanatana Dharma kaala has been given immense importance. Many daily vedic activities are advised in Shastras to be performed at a particular time. For example गायत्री जप(chanting of Gayatri mantra)can only be done at संध्याकाल(three meeting points of portions of time in day).ब्रह्म मुहूर्त(Brahma muhurta) is suitable for waking up and performing other important activities. All festivals are based on tithis,nakshatras,season etc.षोडश संस्कार(Sixteen sacred rituals)which are important events of life are advised in shastras to be performed at auspicious muhurtas.
Effects And Factors Of Consideration
First I will give examples from our इतिहास पुराण(History and Puranas)to explain positive and negative effect of auspicious and inauspicious काल/मुहूर्त.
दोहा - जोग लगन ग्रह वार तिथि सकल भय अनुकूल।
चर अरु अचर हर्षजुत राम जनम सुखमूल।।१९० बालकाण्ड श्रीरामचरितमानस
नौमी तिथि मधु मास पुनीता।
सुकल पच्छ अभिजित हरिप्रीता।।१
मध्य दिवस अति सात ना घामा।
पावन काल लोक विश्रामा।।२
सीतल मंद सुरभि वह बाऊ।
हरषित सुर संतन मन चाऊ।।३
वन कुसुमित गिरिअन मनिआरा।
स्त्रवहि सकल सरिता अमृत धारा ।।४
Yoga, zodiac sign, planetary positions day, date all were auspicious; there was joy among animate and inanimate forms of creation for Shri Ramachandra's birth.190 Baalkand Ramcharitmanas
At the time of Shri Vishnu's incarnation as Ramachandra it was
sacred sweet season of spring on the ninth day of bright part of Chaitra in the Abhijit muhurta which is dear to Shri Hari. Time of mid day when there was not too much cold or heat in the atmosphere. Auspicious time when people were at ease and peace.Cool,slow and fragrant breeze was flowing. Devas and saints were happy, flowers were blooming, mountains were resplendent with gems and water flowing in the rivers was like elixir.
The Doha and Chaupai from Shri Ramcharitmanas about Shri Ram's birth quoted above with meaning, beautifully explains the auspiciousness of muhurta and shakuns at the time of birth. Shri Valmiki tells us planetary positions in detail.It was पुनर्वसु नक्षत्र(punarvasu star),लग्न(zodiac sign)was कर्क(cancer) moon was with Jupiter in the जन्म लग्न(birth sign).Sun,Mars,Saturn,Venus and Jupiter were in exalted position and Moon was in his own sign cancer. As incarnation of Shri Vishnu was for the protection of Dharma and to kill demons especially Ravan he chose kaala of birth which favors all goals.
When Shri Ram and his brothers got married it was मार्गशीर्ष मास(month of margashirsa)शुक्ल पक्ष(bright part of it)पञ्चमी तिथि(5 day) and उत्तरा फाल्गुनी नक्षत्र(uttara phalguni star) and विजय योग(yoga with the name vijaya)deity of the nakshatra is Bhag one of the Aditya and it is considered favourable for marriage.
I am quoting the shloka now.
उत्तरे दिवसे ब्रह्मन् फल्गुनीभ्यां मनीषिणः।
वैवाहिकं प्रशंसन्ति भगो यत्र प्रजापतिः।।१-७३-१३।। श्री वाल्मीकि रामायण
This I quoted to highlight the importance given to muhurta and depth of consideration before deciding it. I will further give examples to make things more clear.
Once Brahmarishi Kashyap's wife Diti came to him with the desire to conceive a child and asked him for congress, it was संध्या काल (sandhya kaala)rishi was doing activities that should be done at Sandhya kaala.Kashyap rishi promised to Diti that I will fulfill your desire but the time is not appropriate for the intercourse and told her to wait but she refused and forced rishi for intercourse. As a result of having congress at an inappropriate kaala Diti gave birth to demons.
When Shri Dasaratha was returning from Janakpur to Ayodhya with his newly wedded sons and daughter in laws, some omens started appearing in the way, Shri Dasaratha got worried and asked Rishi Vashistha about the omens.
घोरास्तु पक्षिणो वाचो व्याहरन्ति समन्ततः।
भौमाश्चैव मृगाः सर्वे गच्छन्ति स्म प्रदक्षिणम्।।१-७४-९।।
तान दृष्टवा राजशार्दूलो वसिष्ठं पर्यपृच्छत।
असौम्याः पक्षिणो घोरा मृगाश्चापि प्रदक्षिणाः।।१-७४-१०।।
किमिदं हृदयोत्कम्पि मनो मम विषीदति।
राज्ञो दशरथस्यैतच्छुत्वा वाक्यं महानृषिः।।१-७४-११।।
उवाच मधुरां वाणीं श्रूयतामस्य यत् फलम्।
उपस्थितं भयं घोरं दिव्यं पक्षिमुखाच्चयुतम्।।१-७४-१२।।
मृगाः प्रशममन्त्येते संतापस्त्यज्यतामयम्।
While Dasaratha tiger among men was returning from with the host of sages and sons, he observed here and there frightening birds making disagreeable sounds. Seeing the deers on the way rushing to the right, Shri Dasaratha enquired Rishi Vashistha.While the frightening birds are inauspicious, the deer on the right are favourables. Why is this? My heart beats. My mind is depressed. To these words of king Dasaratha the great rishi Vashistha replied in a gentle voice. I shall tell you the consequences listen, the dreadful cries of birds foretell an event of celestial nature likely to befall but the movement of the deers to the right indicate restoration of peace therefore do not grieve.
This episode highlights the importance of observing शकुन(omens).
Shri Jatayu talking about muhurta in which Ravan abducted Maa Sita.
येन याति मुहूर्तेन सीतामादाय रावणः।
विप्रणष्टं धनं क्षिप्रं तत्स्वामी प्रतिपद्यते ।।३-६८-१२।।
विन्दो नाम मुहूर्तोsयं स च काकुत्स्थ नाबुधत्।
त्वत्प्रियां जानकी हृत्वा रावणो राक्षसेश्वरः।
झषवद बडिशं गृह्य क्षिप्रमेव विनश्यति।।३-६८-१३।।श्रीमद्वाल्मीकिरामायण
The time when Ravana abducted Maa Sita is known as विन्द (Vinda).The effect of the muhurta is such that any riches lost during it, the original possessor of that riches repossess it very quickly. Ravana is unmindful of this fact and abducted Maa Sita to loose her. On stealing your wife Janaki demon king Ravana will ruin himself as with fish which swallows a baited fishhook.
Now I will quote the shlokas telling us about the muhurta Shri Ram chose to march towards लंका( Lanka).Here Shri Ram himself talks about the auspicious muhurta and omens.
अस्मिन मुहूर्ते सुग्रीव प्रयाणमभिरोचय।
युक्तो मुहूर्ते विजय प्राप्त मध्यं दिवाकर।।६-४-३।।
उत्तराफल्गुनी ह्यद्य शवस्तु हस्तेन योध्यते।
अभिप्रयाम सुग्रीव सर्वानकि समावृताः।।६-४-५।।
निमित्तानि च पश्यामि यानि प्रादुर्भवन्ति वै।
निहत्य रावणं सीतामानयिष्यामि जानकीम्।।६-४-६।।
उपरिष्टाद्धि नयनं स्फुरमाणमिमं मम।
विजयं समनुप्राप्तं शंसतीव मनोरथम्।।६-४-७।।श्रीमद्वाल्मीकिरामायण
Oh! Sugriva be pleased to approve our march this moment. The Sun has reached the midday this muhurta is called विजय(victory)suitable for success. Today it is उत्तराफाल्गुनी नक्षत्र (uttara phalguni star)and tomorrow it will be हस्तनक्षत्र(Hasta star)hence let us depart today itself with all the troops. By seeing the visible omens I deduce that I shall bring Sita back by killing Ravana .My right eye which is twitching on the upper lid, is proclaiming as it were, my desire of victory coming nearer.
All the examples I quoted underline the importance of muhurta in life and how it brings auspiciousness or inauspiciousness. How शकुन(omens)help in determining whether the time is good or not.
The matter of deciding a muhurta for any activity should be taken very seriously as it affects life deeply.
Now in a very precise manner I will try to tell about factors that must be considered while deciding a muhurta. Nature of activity, state of planets that govern that कर्म/क्रिया(action/activity),current planetary position, current planetary position of the doer, birth planetary position of the doer,tithi,vaar,nakshatra,paksha,ayana,etc.स्वर(flow of prana),शकुन(omens)should also be considered. I understand that at subtle level and at all times following this is quite difficult for the people today but important daily activities and important activities of life should be performed after considering auspicious muhurta.Practice of referring पञ्चाङ्ग(a yearly book prepared by astrologers that provides detailed information about tithi,vaar,nakshatra,yoga,karan,festivals and planetary positions)should be resurrected. People at high post should consider muhurta with more seriousness as their acts affects the whole population. I have tried to cover all important things and to put ocean in a drop.
I made this attempt to give clear picture about the importance of muhurta in a brief manner. ईश्वर when comes on this पृथ्वीलोक(earth) to further the cause of dharma follows shastras and respects kaala. Our rishis have created ग्रन्थs especially dealing with the issue of muhurta like मुहूर्त चिंतामणि, मुहूर्त मार्तंड,मुहूर्त रत्नम and ग्रन्थs of jyotish those who are interested can refer to these for increasing their knowledge.
I want to make a small request to the people in high positions who claim to be saviours of Dharma they should be very careful in what they are propagating especially in matters related to Dharma.
Everything that is praiseworthy in this work is grace of Guru, Ishvara and Maa Sarasvati and all the faults and anomalies are mine.
I will end this with a shloka praising श्रीसूर्यनारायण (Shri Suryanarayana)
परोरजः सवितुर्जातवेदो देवस्य भर्गो मनसेदं जजान ।
सुरेतसादः पुनराविश्य चष्टे हंसं गृध्राणं नृषद्रिङ्गिरामिमः।।५-७-१४।।श्रीमद्भागवतपुराण
Divine light or energy of Suryanarayana which is beyond the realms of Maya, which gives fruits of karma to jivatmas, which creates this universe and protects all jivatmas, which bestows or blesses all with divine wisdom or knowledge, we take refuge of that very light.5-7-14 Shrimadbhagwatpurana